Vietnam War
Today, word came out that William Calley died back on April 28. The author of the single most notorious mass murder in the Vietnam War, we can’t look at Calley.
Anti-Vietnam War protest at the Pentagon, 1967
Look, I know that if I was a kid in 1966, I would absolutely support the Vietnam War because a) Batman and b) that card with LBJ's picture on it..
This is the grave of Ellsworth Bunker. Born in 1894 in Yonkers, New York, Bunker grew up in the super elite. The family went back in New York forever and.
This is the grave of Walt Rostow. What a Thanksgiving treat to profile at Walt Rostow. So much to be thankful for here..... I always found it amusing that Rostow's.
This is the grave of William Nolde. It's hard to imagine being a family member and knowing that your loved one was the last person to die for a terrible.
I had high hopes for the French case to hold the U.S. accountable for dropping Agent Orange in Vietnam. This was for two reasons. First is that the U.S. is.
If you haven't seen this story about Mary Ann Vecchio, the girl in the famous Kent State photo, it's really well worth your time.