68-31. If I were a hack, this is where I would be outraged that many Republicans would vote against a qualified nominee because somehow Supreme Court nominees will be entirely non-ideological as long as only the president considers ideology. (The content of Republican opposition to...
sotomayor nomination
I wasn't sure if it was worth linking to Tom Schaller's analysis (using the great data collected by Tom Keck), as I assume it's well-known that the idea that conservative.
Con law professor Louis Seidman:Speaking only for myself (I guess that's obvious), I was completely disgusted by Judge Sotomayor's testimony today. If she was not perjuring herself, she is intellectually.
Classic.Although, like David Broder, I have to agree that it's appalling that they're willing to allow Al Franken to serve in a body with such intellectual titans as Jeff Sessions and Tom Coburn.
Count me in:I would pay good money to hear Sonia Sotomayor say, “Senator Sessions, I think it’s ironic to be facing these questions from a man whose judicial nomination was.
I have a piece up at TAP arguing that, despite inevitable gnashing of teeth you'll hear from pundits about how the Supreme Court confirmation process has become too "politicized" and.