So let me tell you about my day yesterday. I am on one of my periodic trips to western Pennsylvania and I chose this day to do some exploring. If.
The horrible killing of the Virginia TV crew has once again shown that a) gun violence is inherently political, b) that the National Rifle Association is a front organization for.
I was far too kind to Wayne LaPierre.
We know of the Red Scare. On campus, anticommunism during World War I and after World War II led to fired faculty and silenced opposition. Today we live in the.
The NRA has a new president. He is very special. Jim Porter is an Alabama lawyer. He is also a neo-Confederate Obama-hater who talks about "the war of northern aggression,".
This is a weird story, but it totally makes sense that a doctor handing out illegal prescriptions would use this argument: Dr. Gracia Mayard, 61, is accused of distributing oxycodone.
How the deuce am I not on the NRA enemies list? What the heck does a C-list blogger have to do to get on this list, use common metaphors that.
President Obama is proposing quite an expansive set of gun control legislation. It's very impressive and it'll be interesting to see whether it can past. In a sense, this will.