Winona Laduke??? and other ???water protectors??? rally at the Wisc.-Minn. border on June 29, 2018, the morning after Line 3 is approved. They???re vowing to fight to keep the oil.
While Twin Cities brewery Surly lays off workers to bust the union effort there, the Cities' Fair State Brewery in fact acts fairly: "Today, Fair State Brewing Cooperative has decided.
The issues around police unions are more complicated than those who call to abolish them want to believe. But that doesn't mean that other unions have to have any respect.
On April 4, 1936, the Strutwear strike in Minneapolis was won by the workers, a significant victory not just for the workers of Minnesota, but specifically for the women who.
I am going to be in the Twin Cities on Thursday for a talk and discussion about the book. The Twin Cities DSA is hosting it so it will be.
On November 10, 1933, workers at the Hormel plant in Austin, Minnesota sat down on the job. Possibly the first sit-down strike in American history, the win these workers achieved.
I've been trying to work and prepare for a talk tomorrow, so wasn't really around the blog today. But I do want to allow all of you Minnesotans and all.
If Minnesota wants to take down its statue of Christopher Columbus in front of the state capitol, I say go for it. If it wants to replace that statue with.