On this date in 1937, the Flint Sit-Down strike ended after General Motors recognized the United Auto Workers at the bargaining agent for GM employees. This titanic victory legitimized the.
Henry's compendium of anti-labor arguments from nominally progressive academics is very useful. Attempts to come up with arguments against grad student unionization that wouldn't apply to any other context remain.
There was a lot of interesting discussion around my angry post about the FAA reauthorization bill screwing over unions, especially the Communication Workers of America. If you didn't watch CWA.
Every election cycle, Democratic politicians come feasting at the union trough, using unions to raise money and coordinate get out the vote campaigns. Nobody on the Democratic side does these.
Kilgore: Yesterday, with Gov. Mitch Daniels’ signature, Indiana became the 23d state, and the very first (other than Indiana itself during a brief period ending in 1965) in the industrial.
A lot of interesting things under the radar right now: 1. It looks like Minnesota is going to have a right to work a person to death law on the.
Tom Krazit at Paid Content has a piece up apologizing for Apple's exploitation of Chinese workers in the creation of its products. Krazit argues that Apple really can't do anything.
Item: When Barack Obama joined Silicon Valley’s top luminaries for dinner in California last February, each guest was asked to come with a question for the president. But as Steven.