cold war
This is the grave of Arkady Shevchenko. Born in 1930 in Horlivka, in what is today the eastern Ukraine (or at least until Putin finishes his conquest), Shevchenko grew up.
This 1976 Cold War fear-mongering military film about the Soviets dominating the U.S. is pretty ridiculous. The idea of that time, just as Carter was about to take office, that.
In the 1980s, the CIA realized that the only way to get Reagan to pay attention to what they were saying was to make movies for him. So they did..
This is the grave of George Kennan. Born in 1904 in Milwaukee to a tax lawyer and his wife who died two months after her baby was born, Kennan was.
On March 29, 1951, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were convicted of treason for passing classified information to the Soviet Union. A few days later they were sentenced to death. This.
Who needs a nuclear bunker? One is presently for sale! In Northern Ireland, surrounded by lush green countryside, you can snap up a former nuclear bunker that was a state.

Sometimes, it's really surprising that the U.S. and Soviet Union did not actually go to war. This story about Soviet paranoia in the face of Reagan's increasing aggressiveness is quite.
On October 15, 1990, President George H.W. Bush signed the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, finally providing a path forward for some of the Cold War's most exploited workers, Navajo uranium.