

Here are the top ten posts from 2016:

  1. Goodbye (Farley)
  2. Maureen Dowd is a National Embarrassment (Lemieux)
  3. Trump-inspired classism (Watkins)
  4. The Party Left Me and Other Complaints of the Voter-as-Atomistic-Consumer (Lemieux)
  5. If lawyers make too much money why is Matt Breunig panhandling on the internet? (Campos)
  6. The game is the game (Campos)
  7. Don’t Look at Us, We Didn’t Do It (Lemieux)
  8. Delete Your Column (Lemieux)
  9. The Rubiobot is No Poet and They Don’t Know it (Lemieux)
  10. Nefarious LGM (Campos)

That’s right; Loomis is shut out of the top ten. Sad!

Other random insights from Google Analytics:


  1. 35-44 (25.75%)
  2. 45-54 (22.97%
  3. 55-64 (21.20%)
  4. 25-34 (19.50%)
  5. 65+ (7.43%)


  1. US (87.63%)
  2. Canada (4.17%)
  3. UK (2.45%)
  4. Australia (1.03%)
  5. Germany (.56%)


  1. California (14.52%)
  2. New York (10.63%)
  3. Massachusetts (5.07%)
  4. Illinois (4.96%)
  5. Washington (4.86%)

Top Traffic Days:

  1. November 8
  2. November 9
  3. November 21
  4. October 11
  5. March 14

Total Posts: 3267

Total Comments: 348621

Thanks for enduring 2016 with us!


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