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The Rudy endgame


At least somebody in Trumpworld is getting some fraction of what they deserve:

For the first time in weeks, the strain of several cases stemming from Mr. Giuliani’s time as Mr. Trump’s personal lawyer appeared to be getting to him, as he sat slumped back in his chair with his arms crossed.

After missing several deadlines to surrender the bulk of his assets, Mr. Giuliani has only turned over a fraction of notable items, including some pieces from his luxury watch collection and a 1980 Mercedes-Benz convertible that he says once belonged to the actress Lauren Bacall. But Mr. Giuliani still has not provided the keys or the title to the vehicle.

The former mayor has begun the transfer of his most valuable asset, a 10-room apartment on Manhattan’s Upper East Side that had been listed for sale at more than $6 million. The process has been delayed because the property remains jointly held with his ex-wife, Judith Giuliani.

The scant items that have been surrendered are problematic, according to Judge Liman.

“The car without the keys and title is meaningless,” he said, cutting off Mr. Cammarata midsentence.

“Your client is a competent person,” the judge added, noting that Mr. Giuliani was a former U.S. attorney. (He was, however, recently disbarred in New York and Washington, D.C.)

Mr. Giuliani objected.

“I have applied for the title,” he said of the Mercedes. “I haven’t gotten it yet. What am I supposed to do, make it up myself?”

He continued.

“I don’t have a car,” he said in a raised voice. “I don’t have a credit card. I don’t have cash.” He complained that he didn’t “have a penny” that was not tied up by Ms. Freeman and Ms. Moss.

Judge Liman warned Mr. Giuliani to let his new lawyer speak for him.

“Somebody has to tell the truth!” Mr. Giuliani shot back.

“Next time, he’s not going to be permitted to speak,” Judge Liman told Mr. Cammarata. “And the court will have to take action.”

Wow, Trump hasn’t intervened to help his conspirator in treason out? Beginning to think the man might be out only for himself. Maybe Rudy and Alex Jones can form some sort of mutual support group.

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