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Put that on the store tab


Remember Ben Sasse, the incredibly pompous Principled Maverick who was a completely reliable Trump lickspittle until he decided to walk away from the Senate and into the similarly sleazy world of academic administration? His less than 2 year tenure at the University of Florida showed that he understood the assignment from DeSantis very, very well:

In his 17-month stint as UF president, Ben Sasse more than tripled his office’s spending, directing millions in university funds into secretive consulting contracts and high-paying positions for his GOP allies.

Sasse ballooned spending under the president’s office to $17.3 million in his first year in office — up from $5.6 million in former UF President Kent Fuchs’ last year, according to publicly available administrative budget data.

A majority of the spending surge was driven by lucrative contracts with big-name consulting firms and high-salaried, remote positions for Sasse’s former U.S. Senate staff and Republican officials.

Sasse’s consulting contracts have been kept largely under wraps, leaving the public in the dark about what the contracted firms did to earn their fees. The university also declined to clarify specific duties carried out by Sasse’s ex-Senate staff, several of whom were salaried as presidential advisers.

The university said Sasse’s budget expansion went through the “appropriate approval process” but did not answer questions about how Sasse bankrolled his splurges, where the funds originated or who authorized the spending. 

Sasse was one of eight senators to vote against the COVID relief bill — look, if people thrown out of work by a pandemic wanted to feed their family they should have donated enough money to get on Ben’s no-work gravy train. Talk about BRINGING AMERICA TOGETHER! (Pour out another one for the blitz primary, and might I suggest that should there be a question about internal party processes in the future that “ask Rosa Brooks what we should do and then do the opposite” seems like a pretty good heuristic.)

Even by the standard of the contemporary administrative bust-out the scale of this looting of family savings and student loans in such a brief tenure is an impressive achievement on its own grotesque terms. I mean Gordon Gee should just fold up his bow ties and go home.

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