LGM Film Club, Part 331: Aunt Jemima, 1952

The main thing to note about the Aunt Jemima brand is that it is incredibly racist. Other than the image of that however, there’s nothing racist per se about this 1952 ad for the product. In fact, this may be the whitest ad ever made. I have some questions. First, it’s the mincemeat with orange sauce (??) wrapped in these pancakes that was evidently something appealing in 1952? Second, there’s the horrendous vocals that make the Andrews Sisters sound like the Pointer Sisters. And while I recognize that ads add unnecessary detail all the time, the 4 types of flour bit here is particularly pointless.
I guess I should frame this with the point that I don’t particularly care for pancakes. I have nothing per se against them, but utterly empty carbs soaked in sweet sauce isn’t particularly my bag. Heck, maybe the mince meat with orange sauce is the answer!!