Punish the traitors!

I’d say numerous Georgia Republicans have the right idea about who stabbed Mister Trump in the back by refusing to accept his extremely well-documented claims about voter fraud:
That’s manifesting in an ugly way for the party in Georgia. As Trump tries to burn down democratic institutions on his way out of office, at least some hardcore Trump supporters in the state are turning on the GOP.
This couldn’t come at a worse time for the party. Republicans are trying to rally their loyalists to vote Jan. 5 in two Senate runoff races that will decide whether Democrats have full governing control in Washington next year or Republicans can block some of their policies.
But almost all the establishment Republican figures in Georgia or campaigning there have recently faced accusations from some voters that they’re not Trumpian enough for not wading completely into the president’s baseless claims that the election was stolen from him.
Republicans are concerned enough that allies of Donald Trump Jr. are setting up a super PAC aimed at persuading the president’s supporters in Georgia to vote, Politico reports. The president has somewhat confusingly and halfheartedly told Georgia voters they need to vote, even though he claims the state’s election system can’t be trusted. “I think you’re dealing [with] a very fraudulent system,” President Trump told reporters on Thanksgiving, speaking about Georgia. “I’m very worried about that. They are tremendous people. Kelly Loeffler, David Perdue are tremendous people. They should be in the United States Senate. They’re desperately needed. But I told them today, I said, ‘Listen, you have a fraudulent system.’ ”
Three days later, he was back to falsely saying voting machines such as the ones used in Georgia miscounted votes against him.
Not only do Georgia Republicans need to be punished for their betrayal, Georgia’s Hugo Chavez-controlled vote machines will just cancel Republican votes anyway, so why bother showing up? Honestly, nothing would own the libs more than sticking it to turncoats like Purdue and Loeffler.