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Today in American Ethnic Cleansing


These fucking people:

The White House is actively considering plans that could again separate parents and children at the U.S.-Mexico border, hoping to reverse soaring numbers of families attempting to cross illegally into the United States, according to several administration officials with direct knowledge of the effort.

One option under consideration is for the government to detain asylum-seeking families together for up to 20 days, then give parents a choice — stay in family detention with their child for months or years as their immigration case proceeds, or allow children to be taken to a government shelter so other relatives or guardians can seek custody.

That option — called “binary choice” — is one of several under consideration amid the president’s frustration over border security. Trump has been unable to fulfill key promises to build a border wall and end what he calls “catch and release,” a process that began under past administrations in which most detained families are quickly freed to await immigration hearings. The number of migrant family members arrested and charged with illegally crossing the border jumped 38 percent in August and is now at a record level, according to Department of Homeland Security officials.

Maybe if the United States hadn’t destroyed Central America through fruit company domination, CIA-led coups, an endless demand for drugs, and guns flowing over the US border south to the cartels, all these people wouldn’t be seeking to live by moving here. But hey, let’s just demonize the brown people. And who is behind this round of insidious racism?

Senior administration officials say they are not planning to revive the chaotic forced separations carried out by the Trump administration in May and June that spawned an enormous political backlash and led to a court order to reunite families.

But they feel compelled to do something, and officials say senior White House adviser Stephen Miller is advocating for tougher measures because he believes the springtime separations worked as an effective deterrent to illegal crossings.

Miller will go down as one of the worst humans in American history, and as anyone who follows my grave series knows, that’s stiff competition. And dollars to donuts (whatever that actually means), Miller and Sessions and Kelly and the other ethnic cleansers believe this will help gin up midterm votes for Republicans too.

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