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A Course Called “Meats”



Rick Perry is not the brightest bulb in the world. As Texas proves over and over again, a lack of intelligence is no barrier to being elected to statewide office. Perry went to school at Texas A&M. He took a course with the simple title of “Meats.” What does this mean? Are you supposed to identify different cuts of meat? Learn how to BBQ? Discuss why (and this objectively correct by the way) Texas BBQ is the best in the country and why North Carolina, Memphis, and Kansas City can stick it? I don’t really know. But I do know that Rick Perry got a D in that course.

Today, the course is as follows:

The online syllabus for Texas A&M University’s contemporary “Meats” course, ANSC 307 Meats, describes it as the integrated study of “the production of meat-type animals and the science and technology of their conversion to human food.” Topics include “Meat inspection,” “Kosher and halal,” “Meat tenderness,” “Meat color,” while laboratories include “Pork evaluation” and “Ham manufacturing.”

In an email to Mic, course instructor Dr. Jeffrey Savell explained ANSC 307 Meats is an advanced science class requiring students to demonstrate understanding of animal biology as well as regulatory and safety requirements in meat production.

And I am not sure how the people of Texas, racist and crazy as they are, would tolerate a politician who could not understand meat well enough to receive a gentleman’s C- in a course on meat. But then again, if a big part of it is on regulatory and safety requirements, I think we know why Rick Perry is uniquely qualified for a position in the Trump cabinet.

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