Yes, It’s A War on Women
I mean, if you’re going to turn down the Medicaid expansion, why not go all the way:
Gov. Rick Scott of Florida signed a law on Friday that cut state funding to clinics that perform abortions.
State funding of abortion was already prohibited in Florida, but the law signed by the Republican governor also cut off funding for preventive services at clinics that also provide abortions.
The law appeared to be aimed at Planned Parenthood, which said on Friday that it could mean the end of birth control, cancer screenings, tests for diseases and other services for thousands of low-income women in Florida.
The organization said in a statement that it serves more than 67,000 patients in the state each year, and that many of them rely on public funding to pay for their health care.
Cecile Richards, the president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said in a statement that the new law seemed “designed to rip health care away from those most at risk.”
Mr. Scott signed the law along with 67 other bills addressing a variety of topics, including medical marijuana and the composition of a highway commission in Miami-Dade County.
But he did not specifically comment on the abortion law, which has been controversial. In a news release, his office tersely said it “revises regulations for licensed abortion clinics.” The law also requires doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital or for the clinic to have a transfer agreement there.
In Alabama, a law requiring such privileges was struck down on Friday by Judge Myron H. Thompson of Federal District Court, who said it “unconstitutionally restricts the rights of women seeking abortions in Alabama.” His decision comes three weeks after the Supreme Court heard arguments in a case challenging similar restrictions in Texas.
“Poor women choosing to exercise their constitutional right to choose an abortion don’t know their place. We’d better cut their preventative health care just to be sure. DON’T CALL THIS A WAR ON WOMEN.”
…and the war is happening in Indiana, too.