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Pull Those Bootstraps You Lazy Slackers


Finally we are getting our lazy welfare recipients away from their t-bones and out of their Cadillacs. This will teach them:

An emergency federal program that acts as a lifeline for 1.3 million jobless workers will end on Saturday, drastically curtailing government support for the long-term unemployed and setting the stage for a major political fight in the new year.

The program, in place since the recession started in 2008, provides up to 47 weeks of supplemental unemployment insurance payments to jobless people looking for work. Its expiration is expected to have far-reaching ramifications for the economy, cutting job growth by about 300,000 positions next year and pushing hundreds of thousands of households below the poverty line.

Hurting the economy is a small price to pay to reinstate morals among the unemployed. And what does America’s Greatest Defender of Civil Liberties think?

“I do support unemployment benefits for the 26 weeks that they’re paid for,” said Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky on Fox News. “If you extend it beyond that, you do a disservice to these workers. When you allow people to be on unemployment insurance for 99 weeks, you’re causing them to become part of this perpetual unemployed group in our economy.”

Oh definitely. I never understood why I didn’t quit my job just so I could have those luxurious unemployment checks.

Here in Rhode Island, 5000 slackers will be forced to fend for themselves. Oh, like you can make an argument that these people aren’t leeches:

Ellen Donlevy has worked more than 30 years in customer service and retail jobs.

She describes herself as a “people person” who likes the camaraderie of working with others, both colleagues and customers. At her last job, with Cox Communications, she says she was often the go-to employee who would be tapped to deal with an irate customer.

But it has been nearly a year since Donlevy has worked.

Her 26 weeks of state unemployment benefits — $411 a week before taxes — have expired, and she joins thousands of Rhode Islanders, considered the “long-term unemployed,” for whom additional, federal unemployment benefits end on Saturday.

“And yes, I’m scared,” says Donlevy.

$411 a week! I’m outraged by the government paying these people enough to pay their rent or mortgage. I for one can’t wait for the increase in the homeless population, foreclosures, domestic violence, suicides, and other social problems that result from lost income and poverty. True freedom of the New Gilded Age comes one step closer.

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