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Today In Things So Stupid There’s A Chance Tucker Carlson Wouldn’t Publish Them*


You think that trying to turn the horrible shooting of Christopher Lane into some kind of LIBERAL WHITEWASH is incredibly dumb. And you’re right! But if you think that’s the dumbest thing that could be said on Fox News about the Lane murder you are, sadly, wrong:

First of all, we have to start with the fact that since 1973…. These kids are survivors. They could have been aborted. And that’s a fact. And people don’t realize. They’re post-Roe v Wade, and therefore there’s a thing called “survivor syndrome.” There’s a psychiatrist up in Canada, Dr. Philip Ney, has studied this for decades and shown the effect. Just the fact that you could have been aborted can affect you as a survivor of Roe v Wade.

Oh, well, of course; nobody can deny that a woman’s right to choose is largely responsible for this country’s soaring murder rates. But as a lackey of the LIE-beral media, this commentator fails to identify the other key culprit. The murderers were also a product of the horrible time in American history in which Section 2 of the so-called “15th Amendment” was seen as giving the federal government the power to enforce phony-baloney “voting rights,” hence attacking our most precious resource of all, the Solemn Sovereign Dignitude of Our Children States. Given that they grew up under the South Carolina v. Katzenbach reign of terror, it’s frankly surprising that the kids today don’t commit many more murders.

*I know this is a null set, but you can see what I’m driving at.

UPDATE: I see Rob had this covered. I blame expansive readings of the commerce clause.

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