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Zombie Bin Laden


Well, this is lovely:

Because apparently I needed to feel even more uncomfortable about playing Zombie Gunship, what with the resonances between killing zombies and killing insurgents, etc.

Anyway, I ran a class simulation on zombies that involved Al Qaeda a couple of years ago. Teams included several nation-states, plus Al Qaeda and Wikileaks for NGO flavor. Al Qaeda embraced the zombie apocalypse, undertaking a variety of means for spreading the virus as far and wide as it could. Russia, overrun by zombies and with expatriate refugee communities all over the world, clung bitterly to territorial modes of authority despite controlling no territory. For whatever reason, the other teams hated Wikileaks more than AQ, and refused to engage in any kind of productive relationship with the rump Russian government. Had some interesting implications for sovereignty, sinews of the nation-state, and so forth. Perhaps will write it up at length someday.

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