Oh Noes! Not My Cell Phone!
The Air Force thinks we’re stupid:
No one expects commercials to be word-for-word accurate — not even ads from the U.S. military. But a new Air Force commercial, about the perils of an attack in space, does more than stretch the truth, a bit. It snaps the truth into tiny little pieces, experts and former officers say — violating the laws of physics and common sense, while flying in the face everything that’s known about the world’s constellation of satellites.
Brian Weeden, Air Force veteran:
It is clear that the Air Force is preying on the lack of public understanding of the threat (and space in general) in an attempt to convince voters that space is important too and only the US Air Force can protect America in space. After years of trying to convince the politicians that areas such as space situational awareness needed more funding and failing, the Air Force has turned to another method to get its message across: fear.
John Pike on the $81 million we’re spending to feel better about our Air Force:
I am at a loss to understand the statutory authority under which the US Air Force can spend my money in propagandizing to me that they are doing a great job of spending my money. This advertising initiative is without precedent, and if it is not illegal it should be
Noah further points out that the propaganda campaign we’re paying the Air Force to conduct against us does not, apparently, have recruitment as one of its goals; the Air Force is planning on paring down, and few if any of the ads in the campaign have anything to do with recruitment.