Oy Indeed.
Updated based on a commenter’s eagle-eyed correction to my original post.
Dana Goldstein is parsing the results of today’s New York Times poll results, which indicate that 80% of people think Hillary Clinton will be the Dems’ nominee and 60% of people think she will be the next Prez. From Goldstein:
One voter polled did call Clinton “socialist.” And another, a 59-year old woman who supported Bill Clinton, said she was “not ready for a lady president.” Oy. But among liberal women, a key Clinton constituency, voters expressed a changing view of the candidate. “I think some of that softening is coming through,” one 57-year old woman told the Times.
I don’t know what’s worse: that many baby boomers aren’t ready to see a woman in the White House or that the entire American political spectrum is so far to the right of most of Europe’s that Hillary Clinton is considered socialist.