Air America Disaster
Well, the brilliant Sam Seder’s 9-12 replacement on Air America had his debut this morning.
Dear Jeebus, it is absolutely awful. I listened to over 2 hours (2 hours of my life that I will never get back, unfortunately) and couldn’t take it anymore. I’d say I heard about 2 minutes of political discussion. Well over an hour was devoted to some shock jock controversy that I really couldn’t give a fuck about, and it was just repetitive and extremely boring.
Is this what Air America is supposed to be about? How about this- we just firebomb the tattered remains of Air America that have been left by possibly the most incompetent media management the world has seen outside of WKRP in Cincinnati. Raze it to the ground and put it out of its misery.
Then, some intelligent liberals who actually know how to run a radio network can start a new one from the ground up, because the Air America liberal radio experiment has officially failed.
(cross posted at BlueGrassRoots)