The New Web Sexism
Jessica breaks it down; read the whole etc. Elsewhere, Ann Althouse uses the article to once again to repeat a shamelessly misleading narrative about the incident, pretending that her silly, oft-refuted claim that being seen with Bill Clinton is a betrayal of feminism (while enthusiastically supporting Sam Alito and George Bush, of course, isn’t) was the only point she was making. But, of course, nobody would remember her post if this was her only argument; feminism being used as a transparent prop for right-wing resentment is pretty banal on the intarweb these days. Rather, people have criticized Althouse because she repeatedly mentioned Jessica’s body for no reason whatsoever, made puerile sniggering remarks about her (how can somebody look like both Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky anyway?), and put forward grossly dishonest characterizations of the content of Jessica’s website in the midst of deranged conspiracy theories about the meetup. (To state the obvious, claiming that NARAL’s house blogger was invited to a Hillary Clinton event to get set up with Bill Clinton isn’t just evidence of a rather unhealthy obsession with Bill Clinton’s sex life at this late date, but implies that the most prominent feminist blogger in the city where the meetup occurred has nothing to offer a political campaign but her body.) If Althouse doesn’t want to be criticized for her behavior, she should stop being dishonest about why she’s being criticized.