Late on the Estate Tax
Matt Yglesias, Kevin Drum, and Jesse Taylor have talked this to death. . .
Here in Seattle, we have two major newspapers. The P-I is a middle of the road moderate newspaper, owned by the Hearst Corporation. The Seattle Times is a right-wing rag, owned by a local family. First thing to note, local control of the media ain’t as great as some on the left seem to think; the Hearst Corporation has incentive to be inoffensive, while the Times doesn’t.
Anyway, the big issue for the owner of the Times is the estate tax. About a year ago, the Times posted four letters on the estate tax, making the four following arguments. Question to you, dear readers: Which is the worst argument?
1. The estate tax is anti-merit.
2. The estate tax will destroy the economy.
3. The estate tax is prohibited by the US Constitution.
4. Jesus hates the estate tax.