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In General
On February 19, 2014
The geologically stable state of Oklahoma has experienced over 500 measurable earthquakes in 2014, far and away already a record for the state and it is February. Why? Fracking, duh. Scientists have drawn links between earthquakes and wastewater injection wells used for oil and gas...

Lead and Fracking

In General
On August 20, 2013
Industry fought against all evidence that lead exposure hurt people since at least 1767. Robin Russell-Jones rightfully compares that to the battle against fracking today, with industry saying that there are no major environmental problems at all with the process, despite overwhelming evidence to the...
In all the hubbub about the ridiculous salary CUNY wanted to pay David Petraeus to teach, we never thought to ask what kind of teacher he would be. The answer--he's using his position to channel corporate-funded research about fracking to students. According to the syllabus,...

Fracking Disclosure

On February 1, 2013

Marjorie Childress reports on a New Mexico lawmaker opposing right-to-know legislation on fracking: “It’s gonna fuel litigation, radical fringe groups, who don’t understand the process of what we do and.

California Fracking

In General
On May 31, 2012
The California Senate has rejected a fracking bill that seems like common sense: Under Pavley's bill, oil companies would be required to give 30 days notice to land owners whose property line or residence is within 300 feet of a fracking operation. The firms would...

The Fracking Dilemma

On March 4, 2012

Good Washington Post piece on the dilemma Ohio faces over fracking. People really want jobs. Cities like Canton, Youngstown, and Toledo are suffering. Long-term deindustrialization exacerbated by factory closures since.

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