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Dems in Disarray!


Blogging has been extremely light on my end over the last week, outside of my daily history posts, as I have been moving back to Rhode Island. But I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at our media. First, Jake Tapper, ladies and gentlemen!

This is stupid on so many levels. First, Tapper wouldn’t be saying anything if the Obamas were dancing to Sinatra. Second, while I am not a defender of Obama’s post-presidency and think he has really dropped the ball on his potential role in resisting Trump, given what he has chosen to do in the last 18 months, what does the Obamas going to a concert have to do with the current Democratic Party. Third, barring massive election fraud (always possible), Democrats are going to obliterate Republicans in the midterms this fall. Fourth, Dems in Disarray! only works if you ignore any historical context. The fact is that Democrats are more united in strategy and ideology now than anytime since at least the New Deal, if not ever. The media’s beloved “Democrats working with Republicans” narrative always had roots in conservative Democrats uniting with Republicans. So while I don’t think these are the worst days for Democrats since the 1920s, I also think that the Democratic Party as a party as a whole believing in progressive values has never been stronger, including in the New Deal.

In conclusion, Jake Tapper is very bad at his job.

But hey, it could be worse. You could be the New York Times leadership meeting with Trump and then running soft-focus stories of Jared and Ivanka (maybe Maggie Haberman whined her way off Twitter knowing what pushback she would get for this story) and still get called out on Twitter by the Fuhrer for fake news and being an enemy of the people. I know I’m shocked that James Bennet and A.G. Sulzberger don’t understand who Donald Trump is 18 months into this hell.

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