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New Sunday Series?


I receive more than a few e-mails that run roughly as follows:

Sundays are a little less special without your Sunday focused posts, but the twins (and time spent on paid gigs) are more deserving of your attention, and your priorities are well in order.

Sunday Battleship Blogging and Sunday Deposed Monarch Blogging ended because of the above reasons, but also because I felt that the point of diminishing returns had been reached; there were fewer and fewer interesting battleships, and the monarchs became increasingly obscure. Continuing to write on those subjects became less and less of a learning experience, and more of a chore. I had intended to replace those series with a Sunday Book Review, but haven’t done a good job maintaining that, in part because I feel a greater responsibility to the material. If I mess up a post on SMS Nassau, I may get a chiding comment or two, while if I seriously misrepresent a book the author will send me angry e-mail. This means that while the book reviews are valuable, they’re less fun and more time consuming than the battleship or monarch posts.

Nevertheless, I really enjoyed running those weekly series. The correspondent above is correct about the other demands on my time; obviously the twins, but also a book on abolishing the Air Force that I’m trying to write, and a weekly column at World Politics Review that I’ll be starting on October 6. However, I’d still like to try to make time for a Sunday feature. So here’s my question; anybody have any good ideas on the subject for a weekly Sunday LGM blog feature? Has to be enough material to spend at least a year on it, and has to be something that I would be kind of interested in. E-mail, or leave idea in comments…

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