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Media Mail


So for some reason I have a subscription to the Sports Illustrated. I’m not sure how this happened, but when (apparently) free magazines begin showing up in my mailbox I’m not one to ask questions. I could also, I suppose, take five minutes and check my credit card statement to see if I’m actually being charged for this, but since the adjectives “freeloader” and “lazy” usually appear as a couplet pair [thanks to that boar joys literature-talking guy Thers for correcting me], I figure there’s no point swimming upstream.

Alaska being Alaska — which is to say, “far the hell away from everything” — media mail usually takes a while to arrive. And so today’s visit from the post office guy brought with it the October 22 edition of SI. I’m really grateful that I haven’t paid any attention to the intertubes over the past three weeks, because some really interesting developments are afoot in the world of sport, and I would hate to know how things turn out before my weekly magazines arrive from the distant past.

For instance:

  • It appears the Rockies and Indians are on the verge of winning their respective pennants. I’m disappointed that the Sox appear to be finished for the season, but I like Cleveland quite a bit and wouldn’t mind seeing them win a series for once. Plus, Mr. Trend is from Ohio, and I like to see my internet friends happy.
  • I don’t pay much attention to college football these days, but the season continues to be one of the wackiest in recent memory. South Florida has somehow lifted itself to #2 in the rankings after Kentucky’s remarkable win over LSU. Without making too many predictions, I suspect all the craziness will subside pretty soon. Don’t expect too much movement in the BCS rankings, particularly if you happen to be a Ducks fan.
  • The Patriots just beat the holy shit out of Dallas, but I don’t think they stand much of a chance against the Colts when they meet in two weeks six days ago. If you’re in a gambling sort of mood, I’d definitely bet your kid’s college savings on Indianapolis. I sure will be!
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