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Someone to Ditch Mitch


Although Mitch McConnell hasn’t yet been included on lists of vulnerable Republican senators, his approval ratings are low, especially given the fact that he’s the Senate Minority Leader. What we lack is an obvious Democratic candidate, given that several of the big state Dems seem to be waiting for the chance to go after Bunning’s seat in 2010. One possibility in Andrew Horne, a retired Marine LTC who lost in the Democratic primary to Jim Yarmuth in 2006. Dan Solzman has an interview with LTC Horne here, and Media Czech has a link to Horne’s commentary on David Petraeus testimony here, as well as additional info on his possible campaign.

I’m actually kind of hopeful about this. I saw Horne debate Yarmuth before the primary last year, and he looked solid; Yarmuth was very well known in the Louisville area, so Horne’s defeat shouldn’t count all that much against him. I also think that McConnell is vulnerable, in no small part because McConnell is acting like an extraordinarily frightened politician.

In other Kentucky electoral news, it looks as if Steve Beshear is going to absolutely crush Ernie Fletcher this November. Indeed, Sam Wise thinks that he’s caught on to Fletcher’s strategy:

Hey…wait a minute. I’ve got another brainstorm. Ernie could still come out of this a multimillionaire. First, he selects a series of campaign strategies that are so God-awful that there’s no chance of success. Then, he over-sells his bribes and promises for the next administration, knowing full well that he’s committed 5,000 percent of the annual roadfund commitments. Then, when he realizes he could be hauled out for federal crimes if he’s re-elected and unable to deliver on the bribe promises, the madcap zaniness begins in “Erneast” as Fletcher realizes his only way out is to do everything he can to lose in November.

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