Home / Glenn Reynolds / First the footbaths, then the dhimmitude!

First the footbaths, then the dhimmitude!


Shorter Verbatim Rubble Boy:

“[University administrators are installing Wudu facilities for Muslim students] because people are afraid they’ll blow things up.”

Now, Reynolds tries to disguise his jokey racism by suggesting that maybe this will somehow eventually lead to Christian students blowing things up because . . . um . . . Muslim students . . . um . . . wait . . .

Seriously, what the fuck is Reynolds talking about? I would be one of the last people to defend university administrators, but even I can recognize that these poor, overpaid chair-moisteners capitulate to all kinds of petty requests from students, faculty, alumni, community members and assorted strangers — and none of these meaningless cave-ins have anything to do with fears that the dean’s office will be incinerated by a disgruntled worshippers, Muslim or otherwise.

But here we see the right wing WAR ON TERRA absurdity generator in action. Follow the bouncing ball: community college students in Minneapolis or Fairfax get to wash their feet in some shitty, underused room in the student union, and the next thing you know Reynolds is cracking wise about suicide bombers and Bryan Preston is wagging his finger about Saladin and the second half of the Q’uran Qur’an.

[Update: I just changed the accent mark on Qur’an, mostly because I’m afraid of people blowing my house up . . .]

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