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The Theory of Collective Gender Guilt


Staunch feminist Glenn Reynolds, after linking to an idiotic McPaper op-ed attacking Nancy Pelosi for doing the same thing Newt Gingrich did (although, for some reason, the Clinton administration didn’t try to use his trip to gin up a pseudo-scandal for particularly dimwitted rubes), says this:

Interestingly, I think that the more Pelosi acts like a wannabe President, the worse it is for Hillary. And I think that Pelosi knows that.

Yes, and all those Republican Congressmen going to Syria–and, hence, wannabe Presidents–must be really bad for male Republican candidates, right? And we can just assume their motives are related to primary catfights, right? And George Bush’s failed, exceptionally unpopular presidency suggests that men are unfit to be President, right? Right? It’s just amazing that a law professor could still think this way in 2007.

…I agree with Sister Nancy Beth Eczema. I wish that Pelosi would stop worrying her pretty widdle head about big manly foreign policy issues. The administration’s immensely successful foreign policy will continue to create stable, pro-American and pro-Israeli liberal democracies throughout the middle east if the uppity women will just get out of the way and leave the big decisions to Bush and obscure members of Congress with more appropriate genitalia.

…and as an additional bonus, the “the fact that it’s cold on an individual day somewhere means that Al Gore is not to be trusted!” argument. Wow.

…good post here.

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