Interesting discussion over at Crooked Timber regarding this story from the Chronicle of Higher Education (thank you, Cathy, for the subscription, although I haven’t actually had the opportunity to read any of them).
Apparently, Henry Kissinger has been putting the screws to the editors of Foreign Affairs because they’ve been running a debate on whether or not he’s culpable in some Chilean murders. Two editors have resigned, and the discussion has been kiboshed.
I have just smidgeon more respect for Kissinger than my blog-mates. For example, I don’t think that the bombing of Cambodia was a war crime by any stretch. Also, I view anything that comes out of Christopher Hitchens as inherently suspect. Nonetheless, that smidgeon doesn’t go very far. And this here makes me happy that I’ve been too lazy to actually subscribe to Foreign Affairs, like I had planned.
CLARIFICATION: When I say that bombing Cambodia wasn’t a war crime, I mean that while it may have technically violated international law, it falls close enough to the legitimate arena of state activity to make prosecution pointless.