The next one will also be made available today! Two for one podcast day! Audio can be found here.
Yes, this is a week late, and for that, we apologize. We shall have the next done forthwith, we promise! Audio can be found here.
Lawyers, Guns & Money podcast: Game of Thrones, Season Four, Episode Six: “The Laws of Gods and Men”
Yes, this is a week late. However, the next one will be available shortly, as we're recording it today. We apologize for the inconvenience. Enjoy! Audio is available here.
We apologize for the delay, but Louisiana weather is what it is, so technical difficulties are inevitable. Enjoy! Audio available here.
In which Steven Attewell and I discuss how boring tonight's episode of Game of Thrones was: Listen to the audio here.
Watch the podcast below, whenever YouTube starts behaving, which should be an hour after I post this, if last night is any indication: Listen to it here. As per the.
Watch SEK and Steven Attewell discuss the seventh episode of the first season of Game of Thrones below: Audio available here. Works Attewell discusses (warning these contain spoilers for all.
And we're back, just in time to finish up the first season before the fourth starts. We recorded this a few months back, so our pop culture and political references.