On February 6, 1919, the Seattle General Strike began. This event, the most successful general strike in American history, was also arguably the most serious working-class threat to industrial capitalism.
Kilgore: Yesterday, with Gov. Mitch Daniels’ signature, Indiana became the 23d state, and the very first (other than Indiana itself during a brief period ending in 1965) in the industrial.
The Congressional Budget Office released a report showing that poorly educated government workers make more than they would in the private sector. That's hardly surprising. What's equally unsurprising is that.
Tom Krazit at Paid Content has a piece up apologizing for Apple's exploitation of Chinese workers in the creation of its products. Krazit argues that Apple really can't do anything.
Megan McArdle delivers a typically hackish column on Obama's SOTU address. After noting her TV appearance with such bright bulbs as John Stossel and Gary Johnson, she proceeds to get.
The general tenor of the labor community is that Obama was typically tepid on labor issues in his State of the Union. He mentioned in passing a union workplace in.
Pathetically, I think the largest news outlet covering the Indiana right to work a person to death law is LGM. Although the media is giving this story zero attention, Indiana.
What is your vision of a 1970s union leader? Lane Kirkland and his lame leadership of the AFL-CIO? Jimmy Hoffa? A bunch of old men in suits? One could hardly.