This is the grave of Stephen Solarz. Born in 1940 in Manhattan, Solarz became interested in politics from a young age, received an MA in public law and government from.
This is the grave of William Howard Taft. While I am far past the point of venerating presidents, I find Taft a pretty interesting case, largely because his reputation today.
This is the grave of Ron Brown. Born in 1941, Brown grew up in a middle-class Harlem family and attended elite prep schools, one of the first black students at.
This is the grave of Billy Sunday. Born in 1862 in Iowa, Billy Sunday (his actual name) grew up poor. His father was in the Union army and died four.
This is the grave of Voltiarine de Cleyre. Born in 1866 in Leslie, Michigan and named after Voltaire, her father placed her in a convent at the age of 12.
This is the grave of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Born in 1803 in Boston at the site of the Macy's downtown (there's a little plaque on the building), Emerson was the.
This is the grave of Gerald and Betty Ford. Gerald Ford was a conservative Midwestern Christian. This defined him and it defined his politics. We don't really remember Ford as.
This is the grave of John Galen Locke. There is only one thing worth knowing about this asshole. He was the Grand Dragon of the Colorado Ku Klux Klan. Locke.