The World Health Organization released a report yesterday showing that 7 million people died in 2012 from air pollution. This was 1 out of every 8 global deaths and twice.
On March 4, 1915, President Woodrow Wilson signed the LaFollette Seamen's Act, creating standards for working conditions on boats that the U.S. would enforce on all ships stopping at American.
Tomorrow, something called the Global Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety is set to release its plan to improve working conditions in Bangladesh following the April fire that killed more than.
On May 10, 1993, the Kader toy factory in the Nakhom Pathom province of Thailand, just outside of Bangkok, caught on fire, killing 188 workers, severely injuring over 500, and.
Building on the discussion of indigenous poverty in Oaxaca from a couple of days ago is this Guardian piece on indigenous children not going to school in rural Oaxaca, thus.
I've long been fascinated with how the American government exerts power on the ground. We focus on the big events for obvious reasons, but I think you can make a.