JW Mason makes the point that rising Chinese wages are bad for Western capital heavily invested in China. I would extend this a bit by noting that the heavy Western.
My latest at WPR discusses the potential and the pitfalls of a grand Asian anti-China entente: Moreover, the United States may find its position as the cartilage of a Japan-India-U.S..
As has been noted in several places, this is one hell of an interesting cable. The upshot is that South Korean officials seem to believe that North Korea will collapse.
This is mildly alarming: North and South Korea exchanged artillery fire on Tuesday after dozens of shells fired from the North struck a South Korean island near the countries’ disputed.
In light of growing disquiet about Chinese intentions and capabilities in the Pacific among US security types, it's worth taking note of this fairly alarmist Russian analysis: This brings [Aleksandr] Khramchikhin back.
I don't care for this Chinese tendency to change leadership every few years. Makes it so hard to get a good, personality-driven hate on; just when you can finally remember.
I wonder what Yasheng Huang would think of this argument... During its decades of rapid growth, China thrived by allowing once-suppressed private entrepreneurs to prosper, often at the expense of.
Geoff Forden wrote a fantastic post on the technical challenges that the Chinese DF-21 anti-ship ballistic missile system faces, and poses. Make sure to read the comments as well.