child labor
Child models and performers are workers too and they deserve protection, often from their own parents. Glad to see legislation introduced into Congress to given them those protections.
On this Halloween, it's worth asking whether the candy you are eating or handing out was produced in part by child labor. It's particularly troubling as a parent to know.
Child labor in the early 20th century.
The man who makes Ted Cruz look sane loves him some child labor in agriculture and from the beginning of his political career has advocated repealing child labor law.
...Sorry, I meant to write something about this instead of just have a link but was so excited last night about not watching the State of the Union address that.
The Los Angeles Times has another installment in its outstanding series of labor exploitation on the Mexican vegetable farms that supply U.S. markets. This piece is on the rampant use.
Human Rights Watch just released a powerful new report on the abuse of child labor on American tobacco farms. Children as young as the age of 7 are working on.
The Department of Labor provided some useful maps in 1933 of the United States' patchwork regulations on child labor. One map. Seems to me that Arkansas was infringing on the.