At CT, Harry is contemplating the possible ways out of the hypocrisy charges that would seem to accompany divorced opponents of gay marriage. Along the way, he considers one possibility:One.
Lay and Skilling--guilty. My understanding is that--particularly with respect to Lay--this was would be difficult case to get across to a jury, so a terrific job by the prosecution. (For.
Fascinating: apparently feminist women can also be heterosexuals. And I'm afraid that this earth-shattering insight can be found not in tossed-off filler in a bad junior high school newspaper, but.
I understand that we are currently suffering from some technical difficulties. Without getting into too much detail, I blame the University of Washington. If it doesn't clear up in an.
Dean Dad:Anyway, the metric system at that time came off as a sort of effete, Euro-Modernist import, shoved down the throats of Real Americans by the same smug coastal elites.
One of the most entertaining parts of being a defense oriented blogger is the occasional opportunity to dismantle Victor Davis Hanson, king of the 101st Typing Wingnuts. Hanson is such.
Has anyone ever noticed that food poisoning really sucks? Sooo cold....
As long-time readers will know, I'm an opponent of the death penalty, but a fairly tepid one. While I don't think it ultimately accomplishes anything, I also think that as.
- Musk tells Germans to “move beyond” the Holocaust at neo-Nazi rally
- 4Chan history is as bad as law office history
- Week 1
- Friday night massacre
- Five-day catastrophe
- Let’s Make Brinner
- This Day in Labor History: January 25, 1960
- JD Vance casts tiebreaking vote to confirm unqualified, abusive drunk as Secretary of Defense
- Kennedy worship in 2025 is an embarrassment that could get children killed
- You do not, under any circumstances, “gotta hand it to” pseudo-scholarship supporting the Trump administration’s attempted nullification of the 14th Amendment