Search Results Found For : ""book review""
I finally picked up my copy of Rick Perlstein's new book, which I've been looking forward to for a while. I was also happy to see it get the front-page.
The earliest known ancestor of House Habsburg is a figure known as Guntram the Rich, who lived in 10th century Germany. Guntram's grandson, Radbot, built Habsburg Castle in what is.
As I've said before, nothing signals a Must To Avoid more than a positive book review that describes an unreadable book. Such is the case with Robert Dallek's review of.
Hmm, Can West has taken over the New Republic--but, alas, Marty Peretz is keeping his stake. Apparently they'll be moving to a bi-weekly, twice-the-length format (if this means more space.
You may notice a couple of small changes in LGM. I've added a few rotating picture files in the left sidebar, and moved 3.0 Blogads to the top of the.
I've been reviewing our archives in an effort to collect our Nader posts and book reviews. This is no mean task; you would not believe how many of our posts.
I'm tickled that the New York Times Book Review assessment of the five best novels of the last twenty-five years aligns so closely with my own preferences. Here's the top.
My review of the revised edition of Mark Tushnet's The NAACP's Legal Strategy Against Segregated Education in the Law and Politics Book Review is now online. (Well, it beats "my.