In a discussion on the appropriate ways to talk about the South and southerners on this post esteemed reader and frequent commenter Erik says Third, it's good that we can't really make.
Rob and I recently discussed in comments the importance of taking on the best arguments made by people who disagree with you, rather than the worst. This is advice I.
In a conversation the other day, I expressed the idea that the war in Iraq damaged rather than advanced our war on terrorism, which produced a reaction of surprise and.
I refer, of course, to the picture to the right of the story.
As some of you may have noticed, I'm reaching the stage of frustration with the whole Nader thing I should have reached about four years ago. In a few weeks.
Michael Ignatieff has another mea culpa for his support of W's Iraqi adventure. His previous apology back in March (no link, behind a pay-per-view wall) I recall only hazily. It showed.
I saw it Sunday afternoon. Not quite as boisterous a crowd as Rob and Scott were treated to, but enthusiastic enough. I found the film uneven, but undeniably and surprisingly.
Admittedly, identifying the worst manifestation of a silly concept badly executed is a wearying, impossible exercise, so identifying the very worst "Kerryism" is as inherently futile as discerning the worst.