Thusly are Fox News employees warned one morning last April, according to a memo sent to all FNC employees directing them on how to cover (spin) the news of the.
If you're like me, you're incessantly worried about an event scheduled to take place in about four months over which you have virtually no control. For those of us following.
Former GOP Grand, Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott is very concerned about John Edwards. Well, of the 100 people in the Senate Lott is certainly one of them, so let's hear.
In responses to Dave's query, the incomparable Bob Somerby on Brent Bozell's "magic elipse." By the way, I'm sure you're all excited to know that LBBIII has "written" a "book." I dunno, Brent,.
Andrew Sullivan argues against quietism with respect to the Federal Marriage Amendment: Orrin Hatch's piece in National Review Online is a depressing read. Hatch was once skeptical of the Musgrave amendment.
Should this indeed be the last year for my beloved Expos, the fine folks at Sadly, No! note that the 'Spos' mascot--I don't know what animal he/she is supposed to.
It's always nice to see smart people say something I've been saying for years. First, Jacob Levy. A solid lifelong tried-and-true libertarian (something I've always wondered how he might square.
While I generally have more discipline than Rob and Scott about this sort of thing, I had to take a peek and see how our old friend Mickey Kaus was.