I'm sure our regular readers (if any) were looking forward to receiving the kind of in-depth, Geertzian interpretive analysis that only a long-time New York resident of two weeks could.
I must argue that my colleague, as well as the increasingly shrill Andrew Sullivan, have reached the right conclusion about the proposed constitutional amendments in the GOP platform for the wrong.
If there is one thing I've gotten sick of in the last four years, it's having to pick my jaw up off the floor every so often, after it fall.
The letter Economist editor Clive Crook wrote to Brad DeLong makes use of a ploy that, while a familiar tactic of wingnut hacks, is particularly dismaying coming from an intelligent conservative: He.
The decline in affirmative action over the last several years should be a major cause for concern for anyone interested in social justice. We often hear from rightwingers how affirmative.
I use this space to vent about the various pathologies of the New York Times pretty regularly, but I'll say this for that particular: in the post-Janet "Titanic is the movie.
In a coup for the blogosphere, fafblog obtains a rare interview with the President.
I'm too lazy to find the link, but a little while ago, Matt Yglesias posted something about how he preferred Fox News to CNN, as it had more real actual.