Still, the staggering idiocy of the following commentary is awe-inspiring. First, Roger Simon: That's why I think energizing the base is so important. Any little unexpected thing -- we thought the.
Max Sawicky offers a good timeline of the guest hacks at Instapundit trying to explain away Al QaQaa. It's a really remarkable sequence of intellectual dishonesty. Uncritically repeat assertions from.
This Slate article is so appalling it's hard to know what possibly could have been going through the minds of the editors who allowed it to be published. Even for.
Since a commenter bringing it up gives me the excuse... I do not, for one, think that the problem was that the band was down. I think that the problem.
Shorter David Brooks: As opposed to someone like John Kerry, who will shamefully try to politicize George Bush's inability to capture Osama bin Laden, I will only use bin Laden to.
Call me an authoritarian if you wish, but I'm not all that opposed to the idea. I'd certainly make the penalty minimal (but not inconsequential) and I'd formalize the non-participant.
You can't blame Saint Ralph for envying the stench of desperation coming from his Republican allies; at least it would be a sign of life. But I think this is overdoing.
Mike Leigh is, without serious question, a major filmmaker. His method of improvising from complex characters to develop a then-fixed shooting script makes his movies feel like nobody else's, he.