For those of you weren't aware of what this new ad is copying, note the original Jesse Helms ad above. Except that the new one seems to be for people.
From the Times' second most e-mailed story of the past several days (behind something on the arcane and mildly distressing subject of "preschool puberty"):Representative Jo Ann Davis, a Virginia Republican.
Fascinating.In "Steel Drivin’ Man," Scott Reynolds Nelson argues that the John Henry story was no tall tale, and Henry himself no myth. Historians have long speculated that the John Henry.
Very nice post from Ezra Klein:More pernicious, I'm starting to think, is anti-paranoid punditry in American politics, in which scary-but-plausible theories are dismissed simply by calling them conspiratorial. Because we.
An interesting article by Warren Richey about whether the Supremes will "trim" the appalling Military Commissions Act. My guess, as Richey suggests, is that the Court will do pretty much.
Via Matt Weiner, it looks like the fine folks of Kansas are about to tell Phil "He's What's the Matter With Kansas" Kline that his "services" shall no longer be.
I think there's a lot of truth to what Matt says here. All I would add is that in the House, where the Democrats have the best shot, the structural.
Bob Owens scrawls his latest post in poo.