Author: Scott Lemieux
I agree with Dahlia Lithwick that the Supreme Court is unlikely to appoint the President again in 2004. Not, however, because such appeals would not have "any legal basis." The "our.
It's not exactly news that the Republicans are the party of 15th Amendment nullification, but generally they're taught to be a little less candid...
Paralibris notes the regrettable existence of the "Creation Science (sic) Fair," featuring such stimulating projects as "Life Doesn't Come From Non-life," "Women Were Designed For Homemaking", and "God Made Kitty.".
Maybe it's not quite as satisfying as Stewart on Crossfire, but it's close: Lawrence O'Donnell finally speaks truth to Smear Boat Scumbag John O'Neill. I'm scared that Digby is right that.
Given the paucity of options for principled reactionaries, the editors of The American Conservative gave individual endorsements rather than a collective one. (Remarkable times; even Marty Peretz didn't insist on writing.
Generally, the assumption that a tribute album will suck is as safe as assuming that a David Brooks column will be insipid hackery, and the rare exceptions are not likely.
Alex "Chop Whiney" Rodriguez, subsequent to his straight-outta junior league T-Ball cheap shot in Game 6, wondered why you can bowl over a catcher but why "his ploy was illegal.".
After the first set of arguments in Brown v. Board of Education, the segregationist Chief Justice Fred Vinson (who voted for upholding Plessy) suddenly passed away. Justice Felix Frankfurter told one of.