Author: Scott Lemieux
Courtesy of a friend of Seb (of Sadly, No fame), I now have a beta gmail account. So all readers of L, G &M who were not sending me feedback at.
A veritable Instapundit classic today: You know, the more I look at the new, Dean-channeling Kerry, the more I think that he doesn't expect to win. He's given up trying to.
Via the (thankfully returned) busybusybusy, this gem from the guy who took the Washington Post editorial page well beyond the shark: Ten years ago democracy was on the march, and its progress seemed.
I am pleased to note that the fine folks at W.W. Norton sent me a copy of the 9/11 commission report, unsolicited but welcomed. In addition, Phillip Roth's new novel The.
Lindsay Beyerstein has a good review of Thomas Frank's new book. I do think, however, that her punchline underemphasizes the most important part of Frank's argument: Short answer: the habit.
You're all familiar with the classic hack circle-jerk, such as Glenn Reynolds fulsomely praising the wit and widsom displayed by Mickey Kaus on The Dennis Miller Show Starring Rupert Pupkin, thus.
Unlike Matt Yglesias, I can't say I'm a libertarian per se even one minute of the day. Being a Canadian, even at my most libertarianish phase of adolescence I supported socialized.
Since this is a little long to be included in comments, a couple of quick points about the possibility of a pro-life feminism. The first thing to say is that the.