Author: Scott Lemieux
Causey to testify against Lay and Skilling. Bye-bye!
Julia Speak, You Listen.
Tara McKelvey had a terrific article in The Nation recently about academics left and right--some of whom have been called "libertarians"--who have engaged in casual defenses of torture. She's particularly.
I believe this would make this year's tally white hats 4, black hats zip. (Well, to be fair, the Neckbreakers are 0-3-1.)In better news, the lack of stereo has been.
I welcome Dave, the fan who introduced me to the show (and put the cool poster in our office) to append comments, but I must admit viewing this project with.
Light blogging as I ferry the visiting family around NYC (and, really, who's reading now anyway?), so happy Christ/ukah tomorrow to all of LGM's readers and critics!
One of the things about writing for one of the 10,000 most popular blogs on the intarweb is that--in addition to the predictable crates of panties, requests for autographs, marriage.
For a hockey fan, the Olympics can actually provide something useful: an equivalent to soccer's World Cup. The level of hockey in Salt Lake in 2002 was incredible, showing what.