Author: Scott Lemieux
Anderson v. King Sims--the case discussed by Dave below--can be read in its entirety here. It's actually worth reading. It's lucid and relatively short. Progressives should familiarize themselves with this and.
This NYT profile of conservative vanity candidate Ralph Nader has some useful information. First, I think we can put to rest the rationalization that, against all evidence, Nader would refrain from.
Matt Yglesias has (justly) come under fire for his recent posts arguing against civil rights protections for gay people on the basis of conservertarian bromides that weren't persuasive when the Supreme Court.
Michael Berube offers some voluntary editing services to a Cal Thomas column perhaps more egregiously stupid than the one by some tall blond guy that USA Today killed earlier this.
Erik asks in the comments if Rehnquist's nature was known when Nixon appointed him. As it happens, John Dean wrote a good book on the subject. Essentially, Rehnquist was a last-minute.
Paperwight makes a good point in the discussion of Dave's Ann Coulter post. It makes perfect sense for Coulter to recycle stale anecdotes from Reagan-era Michael Medved columns, because this will still seem fresh to a.
About Obama, I have little to add to the blogger consensus; at least as it sounded on the radio, it was great. Ever the glutton for punishment, after Reagan's speech I watched.
"D-Fence!" "D-Fence!" "Extended warranty? I can't lose!" "Ayn Rand's philosophical genius is eclipsed only by Ann Coulter!" This last category, which Moe Sislak ("that's right--he's a surgeon!") didn't reach, is.