This weird asshole came as a weird asshole

Another reminder that having your coke-addled alt-right failson pick your vice presidential candidate is probably not a great idea:
"I hate to be so personal about this" is a reeeeeal obvious lie, he loves this creepy shit— Nicole Chung | @nicolechung on Bluesky (@nicolesjchung) August 27, 2024
The weird thing about this weirdo is that he literally wrote an entire book about how he was a condescending Ive League asshole with unbridled contempt for anyone less fortunate than himself, only it got him portrayed as the Empath of the Working Class by elite editors who either didn’t read the book, didn’t understand it, or agree that what the struggling white working class needed was for rich people to get their taxes cut good and hard again. Becca Rothfield’s retrospective of this whole sordid episode [gift link] is mostly excellent. But as the subsequent text mostly makes clear I think the framing of “liberals” as being Vance’s initial audience is overbroad — it was really a very particular Beltway “socially liberal BUT no civil rights for trans people AND restoring the SALT deduction is the world’s most pressing issue” type, who are overrepresented in the political press. Most actual liberals saw through him at the time if they were aware.
And yet if Harris wins narrowly this will be an actual case of the “liberal” media actually helping the Democratic Party.