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Co-founder of Federalist Society has unfortunate accident in public


You may remember highly influential conservative legal operative Steven Calabresi from such “arguments” as “Brett Kavanaugh would never vote to overrule Roe v. Wade,” “bribery isn’t a crime if you are expected to live the sub-starvation salary of $300K a year,” and “impeachment proceedings must follow every procedure of a political trial.” In a fleeting moment in which he misread the political winds, however, he argued that perhaps trying to abrogate American democracy might be an impeachable offense. Trying to make up for this rare instance of truth-telling, Calabresi has “discovered” that the civil judgments Trump was found liable for after two fair trials are extra-super-duper unconstitutional:

Ms. James and Judge Engeron have essentially turned a vaguely worded New York State law into a modern day Bill of Attainder targeted at Donald Trump both for political gain and because they despise his political views and desperately want to call his truthfulness into question as he runs for President of the United States inn 2024.  In doing this, the have violated Trump’s First Amendment right to freedom of speech and of the press; his Fifth Amendment right not to be deprived of liberty or property without due process of law; his Fifth Amendment right not to have property taken away from him except for a pubic use with just compensation being paid; his Eighth Amendment right not to be made to pay an excessive fine; his Article IV, Section 2 right as a citizen of Florida to do make and enforce contracts in New York on the same terms as are other New Yorkers; and his Fourteenth Amendment right to be free to pursue an occupation without unnecessary and burdensome regulation.

These imaginary constitutional violations must be addressed, in classic conservertarian fashion, with resort to the typographical arts:

The civil fraud judgment against Donald Trump is a travesty and an unjust political act rivaled only in American politics by the killing of former Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton by Vice President Aaron Burr.  If the New York State appellate courts do not reverse this judgment, the U.S. Supreme Court MUST grant cert on this case and reverse Judge Engeron’s outrageous decisions.   National, presidential politics will be permanently altered if a local State’s legal system can be used in this way against candidates for President of the United States.  This case raises a national issue of profound importance and if the New York State appellate courts do not address it, the U.S. Supreme Court MUST!

The crack investigative team at Lawyers, Guns & Money has found the original draft of Calabresi’s blog, which was edited for length reasons, unfortunately leaving off some of the other parts of the Constitution that were violated by applying the law to Donald J. Trump:

  • The Contract CLAUSE
  • The PRESENTMENT Clause
  • The DORMANT Commerce Clause
  • The THIRD Amendment
  • The Tenth Amendment
  • The Bourne Ultimatum
  • Article XII

And if that’s not enough I’m sure he can figure out some others.

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