Resetting the Game in Northeast Asia

It flew a bit under the radar but the recent South Korea-Japan-US summit at Camp David could be a big deal:
Much work remains in building trust between Seoul and Tokyo, but the potential gains are immense. Japan and South Korea are both spectacularly wealthy and very powerful.
No toxic relationship outlasts geopolitical reality forever. Germany, France, and the United Kingdom are close allies despite fighting two catastrophic wars in the last 110 years. Poland and Germany are similarly on good terms, and Washington’s relations with Hanoi are improving despite the legacy of the Vietnam War. Indeed, the fact that the United States incinerated the greater part of urban Japan in 1945 (including with a pair of nuclear attacks) has not impaired the growth of one of the world’s tightest alliances.
The Seoul-Tokyo-Washington axis could help determine the structure of security politics, not only in Northeast Asia, but across the entire Indo-Pacific.